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Wande Motorcade of LUT held the 10th anniversary celebration and new vehicles press conference

On the morning of September 20, the 10th anniversary celebration and new vehicles press conference of Wande Motorcade of Liaoning University of Technology were grandly held in the lecture hall of the library. President Wang Qi, Vice President Tan Wendong, heads of relevant functional departments of the university, leading groups and representatives of teachers and students of the College  of Automobile attended the press conference. The press conference was conducted simultaneously by offline and online live broadcasting. The conference was presided over by Qu Na from the College of Foreign Languages and Shen Zhengdao from the College of Automobile.

Tan Wendong delivered a speech on behalf of the university firstly. She expressed her gratitude to Wande Group for its strong support to Wande Motorcade in the past ten years. She pointed out that the motorcade promoted the close relationship between the university and the enterprise, built a good platform for students’ scientific and technological innovation and engineering practice, and became a successful model for the cooperation between the university and the enterprise to jointly train students. She wished teachers and students of Wande Motorcade another success on the track.

Yan Jianlai, Deputy Secretary General of China Society of Automotive Engineering and one of the founders of China Formula Competition for College Students, Chen Gang, Director / Specially-invited Expert of China Society of Automotive Engineering, one of the founders and Tournament Director of China Formula Competition for College Students, Wang Yong, Deputy Secretary General of the Organizing Committee of China Formula Series Competition for College Students, Secretary General of Automobile People Development Fund and initiator of Elder Brother Yong’s Dream Public Welfare, sent blessings to the conference in the form of video respectively. They looked forward to working together with Wande Motorcade to blow the horn of youth again and sing the prelude to the dream in the season of 2021.

Li Gang, Dean of the College of Automobile and Traffic Engineering, delivered the opening speech. On behalf of all the teachers and students of the College  of Automobile, he expressed his most sincere thanks to Wande Group, friends from all walks of life, leaders at all levels of the university and colleagues in the racing industry! He said that Wande Motorcade would make new achievements in the new season under the correct leadership of the Party Committee and Administration of the university!

Liu Tiezheng, Deputy Director in charge of daily work of the Organization Department of the University Party Committee, AI Zhiqiang, Deputy Director in charge of daily work of the Publicity Department of the Party Committee, Zhang Qinhua, Director of Student Affairs Department, Li Xue, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, Liu Weidong, Director of the Academic Affairs Office, and Yu Changwu, Director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center, unveiled the electric car, oil car and driverless new racing car respectively.

In the flag ceremony, President Wang Qi awarded the team flags to the three team captains respectively. The flag surface waved in the air stirred their excited hearts.

After the new vehicles launch video was broadcast, Li Tianfeng, Captain of Wande Oil Motorcade, Wang Zhaohong, Captain of Wande Electric Motorcade, and Jin Hongyao, Captain of Wande Driverless Motorcade, came to the stage respectively to introduce the design highlights and design concepts of three vehicles in the season of 2021, and showed the new power unit replaced for this season.

At the press conference, participants reviewed the wonderful moments of the 10th anniversary of the motorcade through video. The video brought the memory back to the year of 2011 in the way of time axis. The difficulties of initial success of the motorcade were vividly remembered. With the progress of the time axis, the green faces had mature marks, and the sincerity of the eyes was more persistent to the dream. The wheels of the racing car were turning faster and faster. Generations of people pursuing their dreams inherited the motorcade spirit of “Wande Motorcade makes great efforts”.

Tian Guohong delivered a speech on behalf of the instructors of Wande Motorcade. She expressed her gratitude to the Society of Automotive Engineering firstly. She expressed her heartfelt thanks to Wande Group and its sponsors for the strong support. She also believed that Wande Motorcade would go further and create brilliance!

Han Zhonghao, the representative of the founding instructors of Wande Motorcade, introduced the concept of the initial success of the motorcade and recalled the wonderful moments of the track. It coincided with the 70th anniversary of his alma mater. He wished his alma mater better and better. He always paid attention to and wished the Wande Motorcade with the determination of “old people may still cherish high aspirations”.

Hu Haoyuan, a graduate of Period 2015 and one of the founding members of Wande Motorcade, thanked every teacher for teaching and every classmate and friend for their support over the years, and said that he would keep in mind the university motto and forge ahead. He blessed his alma mater with students all over the world and Wande Motorcade to challenge a new height bravely in the new season.

In order to thank each instructor for their efforts over the years, the excellent instructor award was specially set up, and Wang Qi presented the award to the excellent instructors.

Over the past decade, Wande Motorcade has trained more than 3000 excellent professionals. As an innovative team of college students, Wande Motorcade has formed an innovative model of practical education, scientific research education, organizational education and management education. Wande Motorcade continuously strengthened the cultivation of innovative, applied and skilled talents, and strived to deliver more excellent talents for the revitalization of the country and economic and social development.


Address:No.169 Shiying Street, Guta District, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, The People's Republic of China, 121001