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Collector Zhan Hongge donated precious historical materials to Liaoning University of Technology for free

On the morning of August 20, our university held the donation ceremony of Mr. Zhan Hongge’s materials of university history at the education and training center for Party members of Teaching Building 5. President Wang Qi and the heads of the Publicity Department of the Party Committee and the Alumni Office attended the donation ceremony.

Zhan Hongge said that he had been committed to collecting, rescuing and donating historical materials of important social value in modern and contemporary   China . The collection of cultural and educational part among the historical materials was an important part of his large collection. It had been his long-standing wish and direction to make these text and pictures vividly show the historical memory of various stages. There were diplomas of students who graduated at Jinzhou Institute of Technology in 1961, the graduation album of Grade 1978 of Jinzhou Institute of Technology, the evolution of colleges and universities in Liaoning Province and other historical materials among the historical materials donated this time. The historical materials were rich in content. The historical materials had a strong sense of historical age and high collection value. The historical materials were presented as a generous gift for the 70th anniversary of our university.  

Wang Qi expressed his sincere thanks to Zhan Hongge for donating precious historical materials to our university for free, and presented him with a donation certificate. Wang Qi introduced the development history, running conditions, achievements and celebration preparations of the university. He said that Mr. Zhan Hongge’s donation was of great significance for reviewing the early running history of the university, and the donation made positive contributions to promoting the research of the history of the university. He hoped to encourage our teachers, students and staff to remain true to the original aspiration, forge ahead with determination and achieve good results again. The university would display the donated historical materials in the University  History Museum and maintain them regularly.

After the meeting, Wang Qi accompanied Zhan Hongge and his party to visit the University  History Museum and the battle site of the Water Distribution Pool.

Donated business card: Zhan Hongge, director of Chinese revolutionary literature research center of Elite Group, initiator of China  Education Museum, vice president of book and newspaper committee of China Association of Collectors, cultural and historical consultant of Shenyang CPPCC.


Address:No.169 Shiying Street, Guta District, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, The People's Republic of China, 121001