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Liaoning University of Technology held the annual work exchange conference with Woosong University of South Korea

In order to promote bilateral cooperation, Liaoning University of Technology and Woosong University of South Korea held the annual video conference of cooperation and exchange summary in the morning on January 12. President Wang Qi and Vice President of Woosong University Gan Ruiyuan attended the conference and gave speeches. Leaders from School of Economics and Management and International Exchange and Cooperation Department attended the conference. Director of International Exchange and Cooperation Department Wang Wenli presided over the conference.

At the beginning of the conference, Wang Qi reviewed the history of cooperation between the two universities and expressed his expectation for the future cooperation in various fields and at various levels between the two universities. He said that the global economic cooperation entered a new stage. Strengthening more extensive cooperation in talents, education and science and technology was necessary to adapt to new policies, new models and new requirements of international cooperation. Digitization of economy and digitization of management became one of the important trends of the integrated development of future disciplines. The cooperation space in the field of digital economy between the two universities was large. The two universities could carry out extensive exploration and practice in the aspects of co-construction of virtual laboratories and virtual teaching and research offices, exchange of teachers and students, multi-level educational promotion, scientific research cooperation and so on. Liaoning University of Technology could select excellent teachers to provide high quality innovative courses for students of Woosong University in order to promote “course exchange” between the two sides.

Gan Ruiyuan said that she was very pleased to hold the international cooperation “cloud conference” with Liaoning University of Technology. She agreed with the idea of cooperation and was willing to open a new chapter of cooperation with Liaoning University of Technology. She gave a staged summary of the doctoral project for teachers of Liaoning University of Technology. She said that Woosong University was pleased to provide online courses for students and teachers of Liaoning University of Technology, accept long-term and short-term exchange students and carry out online course learning and mutual recognition of credits. Based on the good foundation of cooperation between the two universities, Woosong University was willing to set up “3+1” undergraduate cooperation model for Liaoning University of Technology creatively and train professional talents with international vision together. In terms of scientific research of teachers, “World Campus” and “Research Center” projects would be open for teachers of Liaoning University of Technology to achieve win-win cooperation.

The two universities would carry out further discussions and consultations in the fields of students exchanges, scientific research cooperation for teachers, and co-construction of virtual laboratories and virtual teaching and research offices in the future. It was of positive significance to broaden channels, expand way of thinking and speed up the process of educational internationalization.

Address:No.169 Shiying Street, Guta District, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, The People's Republic of China, 121001