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Liaoning University of Technology Has Made a Major Breakthrough in the Cultivation of High-level Talents. Professor Liu Yanjun Was Awarded the Annual National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of 2020.

The official list of winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2020 has been announced. Professor Liu Yanjun of Liaoning University of Technology has won the support of this project. Professor Liu Yanjun is the only winner of this year's provincial universities in Liaoning Province.

The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars is a science fund specially established by National Natural Science Foundation of China to promote the growth of young scientific and technological talents, accelerate the cultivation of a group of high-level outstanding academic leaders who have entered the world's scientific and technological frontier. It aims to attract and gather outstanding scientific and technological talents, give full play to the advantages and characteristics of the science foundation, make breakthroughs in scientific frontier, and strive to promote the development of science and technology, form an academic highland with important international influence and produce original achievements of international leading level. The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars needs to be approved through strict evaluation procedures, such as communication evaluation, meeting evaluation and defense, and committee evaluation. The annual funding rate is less than 10%. Since 1994, the National Science Fund for distinguished young scholars has become a highly iconic and influential high-end science and technology talent project of youths in China.

Professor Liu Yanjun has been engaged in nonlinear control, intelligent control theory and other research fields for a long time, and has achieved international leading theoretical results. In the past ten years, Professor Liu Yanjun has successively presided over 5 projects of National Science Foundation for outstanding young scholars, 5 general projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 7 provincial and ministerial projects, and 1 innovation team project of colleges and universities in Liaoning Province; he has published more than 100 international high-level academic papers in IEEE Transactions, Automation and other top journals in the control field. His published papers have been cited and highly praised by well-known scholars of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering and IEEE Fellow. Three of them won China's 100 most influential international academic papers, and were selected as the world's highly cited scientists for three consecutive years. Some of the theoretical achievements won the first and second prizes of natural science of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of Liaoning provincial teaching achievement, and the Young Scientist Award of China Association of Automation. In recent years, Professor Liu Yanjun has been selected as a distinguished professor of Liaoning Province, an excellent expert of Liaoning Province, and “Hundred” level of Liaoning Province's “Hundred, Thousand & Ten Thousand” Talent Project. He is now Deputy Director of Liaoning Province's Mathematics Teaching Steering Committee, Deputy Director of Science Popularization Committee of Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society, and editorial board member of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems and other 3 international journals.

As a "National Outstanding Youth" trained by Liaoning University of Technology, Professor Liu Yanjun marks a major breakthrough in the cultivation of high-level talents, which is of great significance to the construction of first-class discipline of control science and engineering and high-level application-oriented university of Liaoning University of Technology. Talents are the core competitiveness of the development of Liaoning University of technology. For many years, Liaoning University of technology has attached great importance to the work of talents, always adhered to the road of strengthening the university with talents, strengthened the concept of talent construction, established the talent working mechanism, improved the preferential policies for talent cultivation and introduction, and created a good atmosphere of respecting and supporting the talents. Talent construction is the strategic choice and management strategy of our university. Liaoning University of technology will continue to cultivate high-level academic leaders, academic leaders and young and middle-aged academic backbones, and promote the leap forward development of the university with the construction of high-level teaching staff and innovative team.

Address:No.169 Shiying Street, Guta District, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, The People's Republic of China, 121001