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"Intelligent Design and Manufacturing Teacher Team" of LUT was approved to be the annual Huang Danian Type Teacher Team of 2020 in universities of Liaoning Province

Recently, the Education Department of Liaoning Province announced the list of the annual Huang Danian Type Teacher Team of 2020 in universities of Liaoning Province. "Intelligent Design and Manufacturing Teacher Team" which Professor Li Weimin of our university is in charge of won the honorary title. The Team is composed of 27 backbone teachers of mechanical engineering, including 8 professors and 17 doctors, 3 renowned teachers in Liaoning Province, and 1 top-notch young talent of "Talent Plan of Revitalizing Liaoning Province" of Liaoning Province. The Team was approved as the Advanced Group in the education system of Liaoning Province in 2015.

In the past decade, under the leadership of Professor Li Weimin, the Team leader, the "Intelligent Design and Manufacturing Teacher Team" has made outstanding achievements in the construction of teachers' ethics, education and teaching research, scientific research and innovation, social service and team building and other aspects, and has formed an excellent team of teachers led by discipline leaders and with a doctoral group as the academic backbone. With the support of this Team, the "Engineering Research Center of Key Technologies of Automobile and Parts" was approved as a major science and technology platform of Liaoning Province in 2015. The teaching team has been closely combining with the economic and social development of Liaoning Province and made outstanding contributions to the talent cultivation and the local economic construction.

      Up to now, two teams of our university have won the honorary title of Huang Danian Type Teacher Team in universities of Liaoning Province.

Address:No.169 Shiying Street, Guta District, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, The People's Republic of China, 121001